Monday, June 22, 2009

Traffic Method #227 : Write Exclusive Content for Major Publications

This is part of the point I was making with High Profile Article Marketing before I retired that product.

You see, gone are the days when you’re an expert online just because you claim to be. Even if you, you have to prove it somehow. You’ll need either:

  1. Social Proof
  2. Applied Proof, or,
  3. The “Proof” of Popularity

Get the trifecta (that’s all three of these winning horses in that order), and you’ll never be broke again.

How do you achieve such a thing? The exclusive content angle can take you through all three of these if you’re diligent.

First, write a list of all the online and offline publications in your industry. The online ones will probably be easier to get into.

Second, go find out more about all the editors. Follow them for a while and find out what they read.

Third, see if you can get into publications they read, or, failing that, get widely syndicated on a topic they read about.

Fourth, give it a week or so and see if they come to you. It’s most awesome when an editor asks for your work.

Fifth, if after a week you aren’t noticed, well hey, folks are busy. Think of some way that you can give to this editor and help them with their mission. Then, ask how they most like to accept submissions - having been an editor of poetry and business resources, I can’t tell you how many submissions get rejected for being in the improper format. They may be good but if they’re too hard to re-format, they get trashed and often, a less impressive article goes in its place.

Exclusive, time-sensitive, well-written work gets the most exposure.

Sixth, follow up.

This does not mean harass.

This means, after at least a week, maybe even up to a month has passed, if your work hasn’t been accepted or published, find out how your work was received, and if there is anything you need to work on.

If you did get published, bravo. Can you get on their staff or write another piece? Do it!

Writing benchmark, high quality work for a wider audience will first gives social proof of your expertise - you can’t be a chump with no clue if you’re writing for, right?

If you include tips, it provided applied proof - you tried my free tips and they worked, didn’t they? Now you have a basis upon which to invite them behind the curtain.

When that publication gets read by thousands or tens of thousands more people than you do? Popularity proof. I don’t like this one as much, because I’m of the mind that is everyone is jumping off a bridge, they should be doing it because I did it first. I’m a skeptical follower, and prefer to investigate, then lead the crowd. :)

However, the reality is that most people are waiting for someone to follow into battle. Often, it’s with good reason. The thought and action leaders take all the bruises and scrapes, and find out what the safe path through the wilderness is. Sometimes it’s smart to be the one following.

Easy enough, yes? Good. Remember that “publications” has a wider definition online. If you can be a guest blogger, or have the following to create a publication, they count too.

How To Get Unstoppable Traffic? Go Evergreen. Read the true story of how one of the site owners, ill and preparing to retire, created traffic so powerful that she couldn’t turn it off - and how you can do the same for your site.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Writing articals for free traffic

.: Easter Eggies :.Image by Warm 'n Fuzzy via Flickr

Writing articals for free traffic is another good way to boost your traffic.
There are a lot of websites on the net that you can write and submit an artical to and it will help you get free traffic.
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Monday, March 30, 2009

Link Market up date

MarketplaceImage via Wikipedia

Founded in May 2003, Link Market grew from a small link exchange website to a giant link exchange market place. Webmasters from around the world found and made partnerships with other webmasters through link exchange.
Link Market’s focus is to keep link exchange efficient, fair, and most of all beneficial for the whole internet community. The internet community contains users, webmasters, and search engines. Every link in the Link Exchange Directory has been validated and approved by Link Market’s Editor.
Link Market could not exist without the participation and support of the Link Market community. Each member of the community, in addition to getting a useful service, is giving back. By exchanging links not only do webmasters receive more new visitors to their site but also they improve their rankings in the search engine results. We do not provide tools to spam search engines and we are against any web site or service that supports it. However, we are interested in educating and helping webmasters create more efficient link pages, and highly efficient web sites that are search engine and user friendly.
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Friday, March 27, 2009

Get free traffic threw forums

Traffic control in Rome, Italy. This traffic c...Image via Wikipedia

Another great way to get free traffic is threw posting on forums. All you have to do is leave a response or reply to subjects that interest you and sign your reply with a link back to your website or blog. It is very simple and fun.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ping your blog.

BEIJING - JANUARY 07:  Residents play Ping Pon...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

By pinging your blog everytime you post to it will help you get more free traffic. When you ping it lets all the search engines know that you have posted to your blog.
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Link Market is one of the ways I am getting Free Traffic!!!

{{Potd/2005-10-16 (en)}}Image via Wikipedia

Founded in May 2003, Link Market grew from a small link exchange website to a giant link exchange market place. Webmasters from around the world found and made partnerships with other webmasters through link exchange.
Link Market’s focus is to keep link exchange efficient, fair, and most of all beneficial for the whole internet community. The internet community contains users, webmasters, and search engines. Every link in the Link Exchange Directory has been validated and approved by Link Market’s Editor.
Link Market could not exist without the participation and support of the Link Market community. Each member of the community, in addition to getting a useful service, is giving back. By exchanging links not only do webmasters receive more new visitors to their site but also they improve their rankings in the search engine results. We do not provide tools to spam search engines and we are against any web site or service that supports it. However, we are interested in educating and helping webmasters create more efficient link pages, and highly efficient web sites that are search engine and user fri

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Link to other blogs.

Looking south above :en:Interstate 80, the Eas...Image via Wikipedia

Another way to get free traffic is to link to other blogs. Not only does it help you out it also helps the other blog you are linking to. We all need as much free traffic as we can get. So be nice and help other bloggers get free traffic.
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